When it comes to weight loss, there are many diet plans that you can try, but one of the best diet plans so far is the Ketogenic diet plan. This diet plan is best for those who want to lose weight fast.
This keto diet plan free includes recipes and foods that help you to reduce fat from your body. Most of the people prefer to do a keto diet because it comes with many benefits.
Not just it’s best for losing weight, but also help you to maintain your weight as well.
Best Keto Diet Plan Free
Although the keto diet is the toughest diet that you can try, once you have started the process, it would be easy for you to follow it. The keto diet rule is simple:
75% fat + 20% protein + 50 grams carbs= keto diet
If you are following these three rules, then you can easily lose weight in the large amount. Make sure you have fewer carbs in a keto diet. The basic rule of this diet is to stay away from carbs and foods that contain a large number of carbs.
Different researches show that eating a low-fat diet and reducing carbs help you to shed those extra pounds from your body. Also, it helps you to reduce the symptoms of type-2 diabetes and cognitive decline.
If you are planning to shed those extra pounds and don’t know what diet you should try? Here is the keto diet plan free that you can try and can get the best results.
Here I am going to share with some of the foods and recipes that you can try while you are on a diet. Make sure to add these foods and recipes in your keto diet plan for best results.
What is Ketogenic diet and how it works?
The ketogenic diet, also known as the keto diet is one of the best ways to lose weight fast. This diet depends on the following things:
- Very low carbs
- High in fat
- Moderate protein
If you have added all of these things in your diet plan, then you are doing the best keto diet for beginners. Make sure to avoid as many carbs as you can because in this way you will not lose weight.
Many people have followed the keto diet, and it’s one of the top diets that you can try. It can be hard for the first time, but once you have started, it will become easy for you to follow this diet.
When you follow the keto diet and strict the number of carbs into your diet, it helps to send your body into the process of ketosis. Ketosis is the best way that helps to reduce a large amount of fat from the body.
Ketosis also helps to reduce the intake of glucose. In this way, the body takes all the energy from unwanted fats instead of glucose.
The ketogenic diet contains low-carb, which means if you are on a keto diet, you can’t have enough carbs. You can only have 50 grams of carbs per day.
Keto Diet Plan Free- What to Eat and What to Not
The ketogenic diet plan is one of the best diet plans that you can use. But the question is, what foods are best and what are not? Here I will share the keto diet plan menu free, which will help you to understand better about what you should eat and what you should ignore.
The ketogenic diet meal plan will help you to increase the metabolic rate and will also help you to reduce a large amount of weight.
This diet plan has been used for many years and comes with many positive results. The best thing about this diet plan is that you don’t have to add such things. If you have common vegetables and fruits, then you can create a perfect diet plan.
Furthermore, if you want to remain in the state of ketosis, you have to say bye to carbs and make sure you are eating much low-fats.
Here are some of the amazing foods that you can use in keto diet plan free.
Foods to Eat in Keto Diet Plan
Healthy fats: Avocado oil, coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil, etc.
Fatty fish: Salmon, herring, and mackerel. Etc.
Avocados:You can have avocados in the salad, and also you can use its oil.
Full-dairy: Yoghurt, butter, and cream. Don’t add sugar into the yogurt.
Eggs: Scrambled eggs, hard-boiled eggs, simple boiled eggs.
Protein: chicken, turkey, and meat.
Fruits: Apples, pineapples, grape fruit, banana, oranges, etc.
Vegetables: spinach, bell, peppers, carrots, garlic, etc.
Foods to Avoid on Keto Diet Plan

Here are some of the foods that you must avoid in the keto diet plan. You can have these foods once in a week, but make sure to avoid them if you are on a proper diet plan.
Make sure you are avoiding foods that are rich in carbs and high in fats. Below is the list that will help you to understand better what foods are not good for your health.
White foods: White bread, white pasta, white sugar, etc.
Sugary foods: Chocolates, ice creams, candy, sweet syrup, and cakes.
Paste: White pasta, and white noodles.
Grain products: wheat, crackers, tortillas, and white cereal.
Starchy vegetables:potatoes, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, etc.
These are the list of foods that you should avoid if you are trying to follow keto diet plan for free.
Once you have entered into the process of ketosis, you can’t eat these foods as they are not healthy for you.
Keto diet Beverages
We have talked about the foods that you can have while you are on a keto diet. Here are some of the beverages that you can have while you are on a keto diet plan.
- Water
- Coffee without sugar
- Green tea without milk and sugar
- Sparkling water
You can also have different types of smoothies as well if you want to try something new. Make sure you are having the right amount of smoothies because you have to gain more energy in order to lose more weight.
Adding smoothies in your foods is one of the best tips that you can have. If you are a beginner and want to gather more energy, then adding smoothies will help you.
Drinking water is also one of the best practice if you are following the keto diet plan. Water helps to reduce more fat from your body and gives you more energy as well.
Water also helps to increase the flow of oxygen, and this is the reason most of the people drinks 12 glass of water to increase the blood circulation into their body.
Moreover, if you are on a diet plan, then water will help you to increase your metabolic rate as well.
A Simple Keto Diet Weekly Meal Plan
This diet plan below will help you to decide what you can eat for a week. In this diet plan, you can have only 50 grams of carbs, more fats, and a moderate amount of proteins.
If you want to reduce a large amount of weight, then this diet plan will do the trick for you.
Make sure you are drinking lots of water if you want to stick to the plan. You have to keep this in mind that this diet plan is for losing weight, not for making you weak.
Make sure you are not using any medicine while following this diet plan. In case if you are on a medication, then I would suggest you consult your doctor first.
This is a general keto diet plan for a week that can be changed according to the need of the person. You can add more healthy meals if you want to. But make sure no carbs should be added in this diet plan.
Moreover, this diet plan will also help you to reduce a large amount of fat from your upper and lower body. You will feel more lite and relaxed while using this diet plan.
Monday | Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner |
Monday | Two boiled eggs, green tea | Chicken with salad, one cup of green tea | Turkey with salad and one cup of green tea |
Tuesday | Mushroom omelet | Tuna salad, celery, tomato soup | Roasted chicken with salad and green sauce. You can have broccoli as well. |
Wednesday | Bell pepper stuffing with eggs and cheese | Salad with boiled eggs, turkey, avocado and blue cheese | Grilled salmon with salad |
Thursday | Full-fat yogurt, eggs, and green tea | Steak bowl with cauliflower rice and avocado salsa | Chicken steak with brown rice and one cup of green tea |
Friday | Baked avocados with one cup green tea | Chicken with a vegetable salad | Pork with some vegetables |
Saturday | Hard-boiled eggs with coffee | Bunless salmon with pesto | Meatballs with salad and tomato soup |
Sunday | Coconut milk with walnuts pudding, eggs, and one cup tea | Hard-boiled eggs, turkey and chicken | Coconut water and one cup of salad Note: You can have a cheat day on Sunday |
This weekly keto diet plan will help you to lose a large amount of weight. Moreover, if you are planning to add more foods, you can do it, but don’t forget to count the calories.
You can add as many foods as you want to, but make sure to count the calories as well. In this way, you can get a better idea about how the diet plan works and how you can lose weight with the help of this diet plan.
Moreover, this diet plan is made after doing a lot of research and hence proves that you can easily use it. If you are on some kind of medication, then I would suggest you consult your doctor first before trying this keto diet plan.
Tips on starting the ketogenic diet plan
Are you afraid of starting the keto diet plan? Don’t worry because I have some amazing tips for you that will help you in starting this journey.
You can easily start this diet plan with the help of these tips and believe me; they are best for your health and fitness as well.
The main rule of the ketogenic diet is to restrict the number of carbs in your diet plan. Once you have done it, you can easily lose weight.
Remember what I have told you at the beginning of the article:
75% fat + 20% protein + 50 grams carbs= keto diet
This is the primary rule that you have to follow if you are on a ketogenic diet. Add more and more healthy fats in your diet plan for getting best results.
Here are some of the tips that will help you to start the ketogenic diet plan easily.
· Limit carbs intake
Limiting the intake of carbs is one of the best tips of the keto diet plan. If you are following a simple keto diet plan, then make sure you are limiting the carbs intake.
You can make a chart and add a list of foods that are high in carbs. In this way, you can easily get to know what foods you should avoid.
You can also check the weekly diet plan that I have mentioned above. In that table, all the foods are low in carb and high in healthy fats.
· Add fats as much as you can
Most of us are afraid of adding fats in our diet plan. Don’t worry; fat will not make you fat. You can add as many healthy fats as you can as the keto diet is the rich in healthy fat.
If you want to follow a keto diet plan, then you can use fat in your meals. You can check the weekly diet plan and can see many of the foods are rich in fat.
· Drink water
Losing weight is only possible if you add more and more water in your daily life. Drink as much water as you can as this is the best way to lose weight.
Make sure you are drinking at least 8 glass of water. In this way, you can easily lose weight in just a few months.
You can drink 8 glass of water, and if you are on a strict keto diet plan, you can drink 12 glass of water as well.
Final Words
Keto diet plan free is one of the best ways to lose weight. You can reduce the intake of carbs and can start a healthy routine. Make sure to drink lots of water, if you want to reduce a large amount of weight.
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